General status:

Is this company active or inactive in general? . Learn more.

Company title:


Company code:


Officers of the company:

Here is the list of people who are or were involved in company activity.. Learn more.
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This company is also known as:

This is alternative or historical names of the company.. Learn more.

Alternative statuses of company:

In different data sources, status of this company is different, so we display all of the statuses.. Learn more.
  1. Aktivan
  2. Obrisan

Registration date:

  1. 2002.08.13
  2. 2002.08.14
  3. 2002.08.30
  4. 2002.08.08
  5. 2002.09.13
  6. 2002.08.09
  7. 2002.09.11

Company type:


Alternative company codes:

In some data sources the code of the company is different, so we display all of the codes.. Learn more.
  1. 10043270
  2. 10057687
  3. 10043433
  4. 10009869
  5. 10040491
  6. 10044994
  7. 10042327
  8. 10043471
  9. 10044975
  10. 10065435
  11. 10011460
  12. 10043490
  13. 10044626
  14. 10042949
  15. 10043304
  16. 10058736
  17. 10044023
  18. 10044630
  19. 10041631
  20. 10040506
  21. 10011456
  22. 10043486
  23. 10061937
  24. 10040487
  25. 10044057
  26. 10050113
  27. 10046872
  28. 10044019
  29. 10040472